Set your own budget!

(This file can only be downloaded if you have the new version of Excel on your desktop. In case you do not have this new version, you can use the free Google Spreadsheets or the free software Libre Office)

With “Maak je eigen Budget!” (“Set your own budget”) you can easily enter your income and expenses and gain an insight into your monthly spendings and possibly savings. You can send yourself an anonymous e-mail with the numbers you have entered.


You have to calculate all amounts, including income and expenses, to total per month. For example, if you pay € 90,– for water every three months, then you divide this amount by three and fill in this amount in the form. Another example is getting paid every four weeks, which also has to be calculated to a total per month exactly. So if you are paid 2000,- per four weeks: it means you get 52 wk / 4 wk = 13 payments per year. 13 x 2000 / 12 = 2166,66 as salary per month.

You can fill in this form every month. Some amounts almost never change, but sometimes you have more or different expenses in a month – you can just add these. That way you will know exactly what is left at the end of each month. Make a sport of it! When you know how much money you have left, you can enter this in the DSR Budgetmanager.

Go for it! Let us know what you think or what we could improve!