Toeslagenwet UWV (Supplementary Benefits Act, Employee Insurance Agency)
A toeslag (allowance) is a supplement to your income.
If sickness, WW, WIA, WAO or Wajong causes you to fall below the social minimum applicable to your situation, you are entitled to a supplement from the Toeslagenwet (Supplementary Benefits Act). This supplements your income to the relevant social minimum or the last wage earned if this was below the social minimum. This supplement can be applied for at both Werkplein (WW) and UWV (sickness). For more information go to, Forms, Applying for a UWV top-up benefit.
You must submit the application for a supplementary allowance to UWV within 6 weeks after the benefit has been granted. You can do this online using your DigiD. If you submit your application after 6 weeks, you are late and in breach of the regulations. UWV may then impose a measure, i.e. temporarily reduce your allowance. You will receive a supplement retroactively, but it will be temporarily reduced.
Note: You have an obligation to provide information. Within a week after your income changes, UWV must be notified.
Application form Toeslagenwet (Supplementary Benefits Act) at UWV